Complexities of Hybrid Working
30% of remote/hybrid workers experience decreased team collaboration
Gallup (2022). State of the Global Workplace.
Is hybrid working messing with your work environment?
Remote working makes us feel less connected to our job, workplace, and colleagues. Yet, many of us report higher productivity when we work at home – and 94% of knowledge workers say that they prefer this work model.
So how do we combine these, seemingly polar, realities?
32% of remote/hybrid workers experience feeling less connected to the organization’s culture
Gallup (2022). State of the Global Workplace.
How can I help you?
How do you (re)connect as a team and keep motivations high while maintaining the flexibility of hybrid working? In my speaks, I challenge you to rethink the way you go about creating a modern workplace.
Get a rundown of the data (not the “secret”) behind:
- the things that make people feel (un)motivated in their jobs.
- how hybrid working affects work ethics and satisfaction.
- supporting mental health and well-being in a hybrid work setup.
- the ways to reunite team feeling and hybrid working.
Why does it matter?
The justification of hybrid working as a permanent part of our work lives is approaching “old news” status. Still, many organizations are struggling with the culture among employees as a result.
Restoring the community feeling in the workplace will create a more motivated team, improve retention, and boost innovation, collaboration, and efficiency.

Not really the issues you are dealing with?
No worries. These are examples, and I always tailor the speak to my client’s specific needs.
As long as it has to do with rethinking and improving work-life, I am your guy (also, I am very humble).
Want an example?
Every challenge is unique, just like every company and individual out there. That’s why my talks are always one-of-a-kind. I approach them with a blend of scientific insight and a touch of humor, serving up customized content that fits your exact needs. Let these examples be like sparks of inspiration.
Hybrid work has come to stay in a lot of different areas. The pandemic taught us that we can work from anywhere in the world and still maintain efficiency and engagement while increasing flexibility and freedom for the employees. But it does not come without a cost and if we are not aware of the hardships of hybrid work, then both the wellbeing and performance of our team and organization might take a hit.
In this talk I will inspire you with:
- Data on what employees and managers experience when being in a hybrid work setup
- The 3 most critical factors when having a hybrid work setup
- Examples of companies that have succeed with creating an engaging hybrid work setup
How will organizations succeed in the future? And what will be the essential skills needed by individuals to thrive in a globalized, automized, digitalized and specialized world?
Those are some of the questions that I will answer in this keynote. Having been at the forefront of looking into the future as a Partner in an HR Tech startup and now helping scaling organizations design their culture and structure to accommodate a post-COVID world, I will challenge your mindset and help you and your employees prepare for the future of work.
Some of the key messages are:
- How to create a culture of embracing change and challenging the status quo
- Why a reframing of AI from enemy to colleague is pivotal for success
- What the key factors are in succeeding with a hybrid or fully remote setup
The world is changing around us due to remote and hybrid work, digitalization through AI and automation, globalization and the increased focus on flexibility, autonomy, diversity are all factors we need to consider as organizations when dealing with our current and future employees.
In this talk I will bring out research predicting future trends in the workplace and tell you:
- What the 12 key factors of employee motivation are and how to measure them
- How to create a sense of purpose from front to back, top to bottom.
- When to use technology to increase employee motivation
- Why the Modern Workplace is the exact opposite than the current workplace model